Thursday, July 31, 2008

NEW !!! References for Assignment 2..

Now, I will be using all these pictures (below) as references to create "New Ideas" for my New Assignment. All I need to do on this Second Assignment is to illustrate a drawing based on the area I had chosen - Melting of Ice-Caps. Later on, this illustration is going to be included in my Poster (Final Assignment)..

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Meaning Of My Symbol

This is the Symbol that represents the area of my choice,Melting of Ice-Caps (one of the effects of Global Warming).

My title for this Symbol is "Save Me From Melting,Means You Save The World".

Firstly,I have used metaphor on my Symbol.As you can see,the Ice-caps inside my Symbol seems to have emotions like human beings and it can feel what is happening in its surroundings. Global Warming causes the Ice-caps to undergo melting process.Hence,I drew an Ice-caps with a pitiful face and make it looks like it is suffering much, much pain. Just imagine when someone uses fire to heat your skin, you will also feel the pain right?Well, this is what I mean.

Besides that, I have also added four Ice hands with four lines just to represent the motion of the Ice-Caps in my Symbol. This indicates that the Ice-caps is shivering.

The big circle surrounding the Ice-caps represents ozone layer and the grey structure at the center, upper side of the circle is the hole of the ozone layer.

The bottom part of the Ice-caps represents the many Ice-caps in the ocean are also melting because the temperature of the water is rising. It shows that when the ozone layer is completely destroyed, the temperature of the surrounding will increase tremendously.The Ice-caps is exposed to heat and is no longer protected by the ozone layer. It will undergo an extremely melting process and caused the rapid rising of sea level until the remaining Ice-caps will be submerged into the sea.

The outer part of the big circle(ozone layer) is surrounded with flames.This indicates that the ozone layer is in a state that is very alarming and the surrounding temperature inside the ozone layer is continuously increasing.

The Meaning of Colour in the Symbol

Red, Orange and Yellow- A Fiery Hot Combination

Red- Is hot. Denotes very dangerous and bring destruction.

Orange- Is vibrant. It denotes energy,warmth and its like the sun. Used to demand attention,such as people should be aware that the global warming is getting more and more serious.

Yellow- Is a warm colour similar to red, has conflicting symbollism.Because of it high visibility, it is suitable to use as warning sign. Also mean danger although not quite as dangerous as red. Represents still have hope for human beings to stop global warming.

Grey- Is a neutral,balanced colour.It is cool and has less negative attributes compared to black but is still considered a moody type of dark colour. It can be used to represent destruction is happening.

White-Is the nature colour of Ice. Symbolise clean and pure innocence. White colour ice cap mean it is still very cold, has not been affected by global warming and there is still a hope to stop the global warming.

Blue- 1) Light blue- Nature colour of air and sky. Is a cool colour.Is suitable tone colour for melting ice cap and ozone layer. Represents Ice melt is melting.

2) Dark blue- Is a colder weather colour. Natural colour of water( suitable colour for ocean).On the symbol, it represents the Ice caps had melt tremendously because the depth of the ocean has increased.

The Shape in my Symbol

Overall meaning of the Symbol

The Ozone layer is protecting the Ice-caps from melting. But because of Global Warming, this has resulted in the ozone layer becoming thinner and thinner; and eventually breaks into a hole. When there is a hole on the ozone layer, the dangerous heat wave from the Sun is directly sent to the Earth. At the same time, Greenhouse gases inside the Ozone layer trapped the heat inside the Earth. This causes the temperature on Earth to increase. Simultaneously, the Ice-caps will start to melt because of the climate changes on the Earth.
I hope that after the general public has seen my Symbol, they will realise and be aware of the dangers and effects of Global Warming. People will then start to play a part in taking of care our nature and environment from the destructions of Global Warming; for the sake of Mother Earth and her future generation.

Monday, July 14, 2008

How i Drew my Symbol using Adobe Illustrator CS3?

Step 1- Changing Symbol (Sketch) into Template

As we know, Template is used for tracing an image. Before we start to draw a thing on Adobe Illustrator,a "Template" should be placed first,so that we can just easily trace an image we want to draw. It is very useful because it save our time and prevent us from making many mistakes.

How to create a Template?

Firstly, from the upper part of Adobe Illustrator, click "File”, then select “Place”. After that,select the image you want to choose.For me, I chose the symbol I sketched to make it become a template.

*Remember to tick the block beside written “Template” before you click “Place” (shown in diagram A).

Now, the Template will appeared on the screen of the Adobe Illustrator (shown in diagram B).

If you find that you want to change the Template image either becoming more brighter or darker,you are free to do so by simply just double clicking the layer of the template (show in diagram C), and layer option will be shown and you can see the words “dim image to 50%. From there u can retype the percentage of light you want.

Diagram A

Diagram B

Diagram C

Step 2- Drawing the Structure of Ice

Now with the present of Template, I can start to draw my Symbol.

Firstly, I used the Pen tool to draw the outlines of the Ice. After that, I used Direct Selection tool to adjust the anchor point of the structure until it is correctly shape correctly and looked like an Ice (same as the Template).

Step 3- Drawing the other structures of the Symbol

The Ice structure was adjusted into the correct position.

Then, I used Ellipse tool to draw another two big circles (size of it is based on the Template).

Based on the smaller circle,I used Pen tool to draw another structure that looks like melting ice (below the small circle) .

On the bigger circle,I drew another small oval shape on the upper part of it.

Then, I added some anchor point using Anchor Point Tool on the oval shape so that it can be easily adjusted into a shape as per picture below.

Step 4- Readjusting positions of all the structures

I used the Selection tool to adjust all the structures into correct positions as shown in the picture below. So, the Symbol has now taken shape but not fully completed.

Step 5- Making the Symbol more Alive and Dynamic

I used the same techniques,that is by using Pen Tool to draw two structures that looks like Ice hand.

I Pressed alt +drag the both structures to copy out another two similar structures.

After that,I selected two of the small structures, then Right Click, select Transform,then select Reflect. The symbol in the picture below have now two small structures reflected equally on both sides.

Ellipse Tool was used again to draw four small circles that represent Icicles (small ice).

Then, I used Pen Tool to draw a small structure that looks like melting Ice mouth.

The Symbol now looks more alive and dynamic with the use of metaphor.

Step 6- Using Paintbrush Tool to Draw

I used Paintbrush tool to draw the outline of the flame, the melting Ice,the eyes in the Ice Cap and the movement of the Ice hand in the Symbol. I chose to use this tool because the outline will look more natural and suitable as I have mentioned above.

Step 7- Finishing Move~ Colouring My Symbol

Finally,the most important step,Colouring. Basically I had formed my own colour swatches as indicated in the picture below before I added colour on my Symbol.

I used a few main colours in my Symbol such as, Blue,Yellow,Orange,Grey,Red and White.

In addition, I matched colour in my Symbol using Gradient. This picture below is the final image of my symbol.

I will explain the meaning of this Symbol (including the meaning of Colour and Shape) on the next post.

Thanks for spending your precious time to read my explanation on how I have drawn my Symbol...

From Kevin Tan,2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Phew! Finally i had successfully designed and produced a new symbol for my project assignment. Hopefully, Mr Neo and Miss Koo would like it and find it to be appropriate.

Okay,for this post i am going to make my Symbol more attractive by using some COLOURs.
It is common knowledge that people like to see colour and are attracted to the various shades of colour around us. Hence, a Symbol without any colours is not going to attract many people eyes on it because it looks normal, flat, dull and is definitely lacking in substance.
So, adding some colours to my Symbol is therefore very vital and this will also make my Symbol much more meaningful.

Mission successful !!! I have used colour pencils to colour my Symbol. Later, I can used it as my reference. Basically i have used a few simple colours on this Symbol such as blue, red, yellow, orange, grey and white.

Alright, now I shall proceed to the next important mission. I am going to plan a procedure and then draw my Symbol using ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR CS3.

Yeah,I am thinking out some Crazy idea.. Let's see.

The moment I had done my sketches,I found that I love almost all of my sketches. However,I had to make a decision,that is to choose 3 of my sketches,as the diagram below.Because from these 3 sketches,I can foresee a NEW idea! Just imagine..

What I meant for my NEW IDEA was I am going to combine these 3 sketches into the Symbol. This symbol is going to represent my area of choice for Global Warming- Melting of Ice-Caps. So, let us start the Fusion now... Guess ,guess ,guess.. What will it become?


Loading...Showing The SYMBOL...

Yeah! This is THE NEW SYMBOL. Wait a second, it seems that I had successfully created not just 1 Symbol but are 2 symbols. So, which one should I choose?

Well, after much thought..."Brainstorming". I had made my final decision.

I chose the second sketches!!! Congratulations to my second sketch,"You" have become my very own Symbol to symbolize Melting of Ice-caps. Basically that's all I wanted to show for this post.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Finally.. My Sketches..I Had Done it!

These are some examples of my Sketches for my Symbol. By the way, I had logged in some explanation on my sketches.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Computer Graphics 1-The Theme chosen and some references for my symbols

Well,well.. look at our beautiful and unique planet in this universe.This is called the Earth, the only home for the mankind(homo sapiens)and all the nature living organisms. Without this planet, we will die and we cannot survive in this world. But unfortunately, there are some evil , greedy and unconcern human beings who are leading this planet towards doomsday by doing all sorts of disastrous and destructive activities creating a lot of harm to our natural environment.Gobal Warming is one of the major environmental problem caused by these irresponsible human beings.

Global Warming is referred to the rising of temperature on the Earth's surface and temperature. It is an important ecological issue and has many negative effects upon our environment. For example, climate change, greenhouse effect,spread of disease,droughts,economic consequences and melting of the ice caps.

For this project, i am going to choose "Melting of The Ice Caps" as my area of research and design a symbol of awareness using Illustrator based on that title. I choose this title because I discovered that the ice caps at the Artic played an important roles to maintaining the balance of our Earth's temperature. If global warming still continue to happen,our world will facing an unsolvable serious crisis. For example,when the Earth average temperature is rising, the ice caps will start to melt and this causes the sea level to rise. Then, the Earth temperature will increase,global ecosystem will start to become out of balance and finally affecting the native species in the Artic ...

These are the websites based on my research

These are are some references for my Symbol..From Goggle Website.

Basically that's all for now..Now i will think about my symbol and I will post my sketches on the next blog.